Book of Rebellion

But first…

Our philosophy is, with high demands and high quality, to uniquity. Striving, with sexy designs and stylish cuts, to enhance all facets of a woman. The way we see it, every woman has something unique to offer that should not be concealed from the world.

"A woman’s features are unique.


The freedom to fulfill yourself in your outfit is what makes Rebellion special. Don’t limit yourself!"

Main Part…

The vision, everyone should fulfill themselves in their outfit, is our constant companion.
Seeing a confident woman, reviving her outfit that special something, by living and loving what she is wearing is fantastic.

Be who you are and live it!

Premium fabrics, constant improvement, high quality are our priorities when it comes to implement our ideas. Only the best is good enough for us and our clients, is what we live by. In a world full of unlimited possibilities we find particularly important to not neglect morals like trust and passion. Trusting the product and feeling  the passion by which it was made.

Last but not least…

Emotion turned into passion. 
Founder Bernd Hufnagel gathered impressions and expertise over the years by distributing well known labels.
Innumerable exhibitions and client contact rounded off the idea to create a new way between fetish and club wear. The focus on the comfort factor and authenticity were decisive for the implementation.

My fashion should not get stuck in the wardrobe, but rather create a positive emotion each time wearing it.

Bernd Hufnagel

Founder and creative mastermind of Rebellion Fashion